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So recently I had went on a small rant and finally came out on facebook as an erotica writer to my friends and family. While at first it was a bit awkward to type it slowly felt natural to just spit out the words and ramble about my life and what I write. I didn't go into very much detail but it felt a bit liberating.

At least until the next morning where I saw the little icon button glaring at my in the top right of my phone screen, notifying me that I had people comment and like my post. I cringed at myself for having posted it, but it is something I felt like I needed to share. Now it's out there.

I read the comments and all of them seemed supportive of my decision and backed me on my idea of being who I was. However, I can't help but feel judged and deemed as a pervert. Weather or not it's true, which it probably isn't. Everything is now out in the open and I feel slightly less weight pulling on my shoulders.


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