Tonight was another hard work at night and I couldn't help but find myself wondering back into my imagination. Forced to do mind numbing tasks and chores that were the same thing every day, I often do slip into my own head.
I found myself thinking on stories and my possible future. I find myself writing as an actual career with the typical set schedules, actually sleeping at night, breakfast, writing, ect, ect. But with having to work an over night job it leaves me wanting to just get home and relax and do nothing but play video games as an escape.
However, I am trying to currently break this bad habit of spending 3-4 hours a day on video games and break it down to roughly 2 hours of games so I can spend 2 hours writing a day. I believe this is easily achievable, or at least seems to be reasonable.
So that's the struggle on my daily life right now, working over nights and trying to find time for a social life, writing, and my beautiful fiance. The struggle is real for an aspiring author!
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