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So, today I am taking another step further into my writing career. I am starting up a blog; something to focus my mind and perhaps my attention into writing. I don't expect this to take off, but I do have the hopes.

So for anyone reading this I thank you for taking the time out of your day to gander at my babbling.

My name is Dalton and I have spent my life mostly inside my own imagination and video games that took me out of the reality of the world. They were my escapes and eventually it took on a life of it's own in the form of a passion for writing.

I am an aspiring writer and have been writing consistently for over a year now. While I can't say in my own self opinion that my writing is good. (I always feel I can do better) I do have one hundred and fifty two followers currently and I have noticed improvement since I started.

I have the dreams of going big. Writing something that brings me pleasure and a life that I have always wanted is my goals. But I fear with the category I write (Erotica) that my dream's will only stay dreams. It's a fear I am sure all writers have and something I keep in mind every day as I continue to try and push my thoughts onto the paper.

But I have family and friends who are supportive and hope for a better future every day.


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