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Reading for the achievement.

Recently, I have been reading quite a few books. I'v been trying to fill my spare time when I am not gaming, working, or spending time with my girlfriend.

I have noticed while reading, I am sometimes just pushing myself to keep going and not put down the book. I'm trying to get that much further into it but not because I am throughly enough it. (that is irrelevant as to why I am pushing myself.)

I am forcing myself to read further and further so I can finish the book in search of the accomplishment. I am striving for that brief feeling when you finish a book and can nestle into your shelf.

Is it wrong? Is the goal to finish the book as quick as possible only for the sake of an accomplished feeling (regardless of weather I am enjoying it or gritting my teeth through horrible writing or plot) such a bad thing?

I enjoy having a large collection of books on my shelf and I buy paperbacks to read. Then, I purchase the hardcover to nestle into my shelf of achievements.

I'v tried to slow down and just enjoy the book. Sometimes I do, others I just want to finish and get started on another.

I think as long as I am enjoying the feeling and it's not hurting anyone it's not wrong.

Anyone else have thoughts?


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